Power Couples Book Tag

It’s time for another book tag! This one was so much fun because it’s about your favourite power couples in fiction!

I was tagged by the lovely Sophie @ Blame Chocolate. Everyone please go check out Sophie’s blog and follow her because she is genuinely one of the sweetest people on here – no pun intended.

This tag was originally created by Cassiopeia’s Moon. Please credit her if you plan to do this tag!

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A couple that share big passions and goals

Victoria Vincent and Sawyer Bell from The Love Song of Sawyer Bell by Avon Gale

These two are gorgeous together, and are really ambitious. They share the same goal of making it big with their band. I just adore them so much.

A couple that love and respect each other

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from Heartstopper comic

Nick Nelson and Charlie Spring from Heartstopper and Nick and Charlie by Alice Oseman

Oh, these two just make me squeal because they love each other so much. Nick and Charlie really respect one another and are always there for each other. They’re in it for the long run. In the novella, they talk about how much they one another more than anything in the world, and it brings me to tears.

A couple that is stronger together than apart

Evelyn Hugo and Celia St James from The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Evelyn and Celia do spend many years apart from each other, and are worse off for it. The only times they’re truely content in life is together.

A couple that wholly support each other

Neil Josten and Andrew Minyard from All for the Game series by Nora Sakavic

Although they don’t look like it, Andrew and Neil 100% support one another. If Neil is about to do something stupid (as he usually does), Andrew is there to help him or catch him if he falls, and vice versa. When life gets too much, they find solace in one another.

A couple that advocate each other for others

Damen and Laurent from Captive Prince series by C.S. Pacat

My original OTP. These two have literally advocated for one another in front of people – Laurent’s trial, Nikandros continually warning Damen about Laurent, the fact that they literally decided to join to warring countries together. True love is real, folks.

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I tag

Shan @ Little Irish Book Cat | Becca @ Bec and Bones | Beware of the Reader | Sakhile @ Sakhile Writes |  Charlotte @ Charlotte Annelise | Ann @ A Bookish Bi

Hope you all have fun with the tag, but please don’t feel obliged to do it if you don’t want to / have already done it!

❤️ Laura

19 thoughts on “Power Couples Book Tag

  1. Consu says:

    This is socute! I’m doing the tag too, if you don’t mind. All of these are OTPs of mine except the first one but only because I didn’t know of it until now, I’ll have to check them out

    Liked by 1 person

  2. becandbones says:

    Ah, I’m not even a romance person in lit but this post still got me. Also, I need to read basically all these books (boo me).

    I’m gonna save this for the future but it takes me ages to find book people that I really ship.

    Liked by 1 person

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