An Open Letter to Netgalley and Goodreads

Dear Netgalley and Goodreads, 

Today I discovered that your sites will no longer be providing services (or limiting services) to international readers and I am absolutely devastated.

Contrary to popular belief, America is not the only country in the world.

For those who are unaware of what is happening, Goodreads will, from January 2018, prevent authors from creating giveaways for international readers. Basically, authors will have to pay $119 for a giveaway base package, and $599 for the premium. Previously, all authors had to pay for was shipping. Read more here.

Netgalley, on the other hand, has severely limited the amount of e-ARCs an international blogger can request – instead, bloggers will now have to use the ‘Wish’ button and pray the publisher grants their request. For those who are frequent users of Netgalley, you know how hard it is to have a wish granted. I myself has been using Netgalley for over a year and have never had a wish granted.

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I cannot understand the reasoning behind these decisions, and, in fact, neither company has offered an adequate response. (As of the writing of this letter, I have scoured Netgalley’s blog and have not found an explanation for this decision. If you find a post, or see that Netgalley has explained, please link me.)

Netgalley and Goodreads may have a good reason for making these changes (that they are neglecting to share with the public), but what I don’t think they understand is that their decisions have a trickle-down effect. By giving access to ARCs to only American bloggers/reviewers, and by preventing international readers from entering giveaways, these two decisions – that may seem small right now – have a much larger effect.

Below is a list of TEN reasons as to why Netgalley and Goodreads should reconsider their decisions. 

(NOTE: This post may come across as anti-American, but I promise it’s not. This is not directed at any specific American bloggers, but rather the system that prioritises them over literally the rest of the world.)

1. International bloggers/reviewers are already disadvantaged 

Book bloggers and reviewers are a massive part of the online book industry, but we are constantly pushed aside to make way for American bloggers.

America, through no fault of it’s own, has a ginormous, thriving publishing industry. I would say the only other country’s industry that could possibly rival America’s is that of England’s.

It is extremely difficult for an international blogger/reviewer to get their hands on a physical ARC from their native country’s publishing company, so we often rely on services like Netgalley – and even giveaways from Goodreads – to get our hands on an ARC.

Have you ever browsed through the #arcsfortrade tag on Twitter and taken a look at the sheer number of American bloggers/reviewers trading ARCs? I have, and I’ve been forced to mute the tag due to how upsetting I find that entire exchange. I hope no American bloggers who partake in this exchange are offended by what I am about to say, but it comes across as these bloggers are (unintentionally) shoving their advantages in my face and the faces of all international readers and bloggers. It really hurts.

2. It’s e-ARCs not physical ARCs

One of the biggest sources of confusion for Netgalley’s decision to limit the ability of international bloggers to request ARCs stems from the fact that Netgalley provides e-ARCs of novels, not physical copies. That means that there is no shipping fees involved in sending a blogger an ARC.

So why limit access to ARCs? It makes no sense.

Bloggers are a tight-nit community. When I see a fellow blogger of mine rave about an ARC, I immediately load up Netgalley and search for the book. Then I log onto Goodreads and read the reviews. Then I (usually) request the ARC. It’s word-of-mouth advertising.

3. It’s difficult for international bloggers/reviewers to break into the publishing industry 

I can’t speak on behalf of all international bloggers out there, but for myself, blogging is not a hobby – it’s a chance for me to show off my work ethic, my love of books, and my dedication to publishing, as I hope to secure a job in the industry one day.

By limiting the amount of ARCs I can request, my blog will deteriorate. 80% of my blog’s traffic stems from people searching for reviews of ARCs. In fact, out of the 10 most popular reviews on my blog, seven of these are ARC reviews – ironically, five of these ARCs were provided to me via Netgalley. 

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(Please don’t judge me too harshly on the lower numbers – they’re from my first year of blogging.)

Now that my access to ARCs is limited, there goes a lot of my traffic.

4. It’s difficult for authors to break out into the international market

Feel free to disagree with me, but having a book that appeals to only one country seems silly and counterproductive. By providing ARCs to only one portion of reviewers, authors that are attempting to break into the international market are severely thwarted.

It’s important to me that Netgalley and Goodreads understand that books are not just sold in America. By restricting ARCs and giveaways to American bloggers only, you are not only alienating international readers, you are effecting the success of an author and limiting their ability to breakout into the international market the way popular authors, Sarah J. Maas, Maggie Stiefvater, and Benjamin Alire Saenz, have.

5. Free marketing

This is such an obvious reason, but I feel like it must be said:


Why limit the amount of free marketing a novel will receive? That will only hurt the book.

When I really love a book, I go above and beyond to ensure as many people as possible are exposed to that book. This is doubly so for ARCs. I participate in blog tours, author interviews, guest posts, and I spend (honest to god) days writing a review because I love the book that is about to be published, and I want everyone to read it.

By denying international readers, bloggers and reviewers the same opportunities as American bloggers, Netgalley and Goodreads are essentially saying that they don’t value the international market, or even the success of the author.

6. Publishing becomes less diverse

If you only give access to ARCs to American bloggers, these bloggers apply their American-centric point of view to the story, whether or not they’re conscious of it. Silvia @ Silvia Reads Books wrote an amazing article about this issue (which I highly suggest you read), but to summarise the article:

(NOTE: This is not to say all American bloggers do the following, but when I limit my search of reviews to JUST American bloggers, these issues become more apparent, whether the reviewer is conscious of it or not. If you’re American, please don’t take offence, but rather consider reflecting upon the following points, and make an effort to view books and issues from a non-American POV, the way international readers make an effort to view books from an American POV.) 

  1. A majority of American readers place their modern-day, Anglo-Saxon/Protestant/Caucasian values on a piece of writing.
  2. International bloggers/reviewers have taken to viewing media and literature through an American-centric lens, as the American POV has become so pervasive.
  3. A majority of American readers don’t seem to make an effort to understand the context and the value of a non-American novel.

As Netgalley and Goodreads will now prioritise American bloggers, they are limiting a story from being read from other perspectives.

For e.g., I am Italian, and if I were to write a novel about an Italian woman attempting to escape life in the Mafia, is a publisher really only going to want an American-centric POV of that novel? Or would they rather hear from an Italian blogger/reviewer?

7. Net neutrality 

Bear with me here, because this point gets a little philosophical, but I believe I’m onto something.

Net neutrality is a principle that allows us to communicate online freely. It means

… an internet that enables and protects free speech. It means that ISPs should provide us with open networks — and shouldn’t block or discriminate against any applications or content that ride over those networks. Just as your phone company shouldn’t decide who you call and what you say on that call, your ISP shouldn’t interfere with the content you view or post online.

Without Net Neutrality, cable and phone companies could carve the internet into fast and slow lanes. An ISP could slow down its competitors’ content or block political opinions it disagreed with. ISPs could charge extra fees to the few content companies that could afford to pay for preferential treatment — relegating everyone else to a slower tier of service. This would destroy the open internet.

Hmm … paying extra fees just to use a service? That sounds familiar *cough* Goodreads *cough*

Fundamentally, what is happening with Netgalley and Goodreads is the same thing as Net Neutrality. Netgalley and Goodreads are prioritising big (American) reviewers over smaller and independent (international) reviewers.

Goodreads and Netgalley are essentially discriminating against international bloggers, and authors as well, by limiting their services.

I can’t believe I even have to say this, but literature isn’t supposed to be accessible to only a certain group of people. 

8. ‘You wouldn’t steal a book’ … or would you?

Sorry, I just really wanted to add that commercial in, but I do have a point, which is this:


I am not going to get into the argument of whether it’s okay to pirate books if you have a good reason, or whether or not pirating actually hurts the author – that can be a discussion for another time. What I will say is that ARCs already populate book pirating websites – can you imagine how many more ARCs we will see on pirating sites now that only a select few can gain access?

I conducted an experiment: 

I went on a popular book pirating website (I will not name the site, don’t ask), and searched a few YA 2018 titles (obviously these books are ARCs). Here are three ARCs that I found (I did not download them):

  1. The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza by Shaun David Hutchinson
  2. Unearthed by Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner
  3. Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Caine

Now, it did take me a while to find these ARCs as I typed in quite a few 2018 titles that didn’t show up, but can you imagine how many more ARCs will be put on that site, and others like it, now that international bloggers cannot access ARCs anymore? All it takes is one well-meaning American blogger who is sympathetic. Netgalley and Goodreads are kidding themselves if they think piracy won’t skyrocket.

9. Farewell badges

(This part relates only to Netgalley. It may seem a little silly to you, but I find it important.)

Screen Shot 2017-12-03 at 4.50.32 pmI don’t know about you, but I love my Netgalley badges. I was over the moon when I discovered I received that elusive 80% feedback badge, and the highly sought after Top Reviewer badge. I was steadily making my way towards the 50 Reviews badge, when I learnt the news about Netgalley.

What I am most upset about, however, is my inability to ever become auto-approved. For those of you who don’t know, when a Netgalley member becomes auto-approved by a publisher, that means the member can instantly access any ARC from that particular publishing company. It’s a great way to create strong relationships and connections with people in the publishing industry.

But now that Netgalley has restricted the ARCs we can request – and has forced us to ‘Wish’ for them instead – we will never have the chance to become auto-approved. We can also kiss all the other badges goodbye.

10. Is this even legal?

I am a Master of Publishing and Communications student, so I still don’t fully understand the ins-and-outs of the publishing world yet, but is what Netgalley (specifically) doing even legal?

Does Netgalley have the right to make a decision FOR a publisher in regards to who is able to access ARCs? Do publishing companies even know what Netgalley is doing?

From my understanding, Netgalley is a ‘connection point‘ – a bridge, if you will – where publishers can connect with readers, librarians, bloggers, etc., through the site. Netgalley is the middleman, but the publisher is the one who makes the final decision as to who gains access to ARCs. NOT Netgalley.

So what are they doing?

For me, all of this boils down to three possible explanations on behalf of Netgalley and Goodreads.

  1. They are going broke
    When a company begins withdrawing their services, or cutting back on certain things, it means that they are not as affluent as they once were. And this makes sense: usually a company starts out small and then expands to an international market, but Netgalley and Goodreads are doing the opposite.
  2. They are getting greedy
    Or perhaps Netgalley and Goodreads are perfectly stable and they want to reduce their services to save money. (Looking at your Goodreads, with your $600 giveaway packages.) They’ve made their money and they don’t want to waste anymore on an international market that is too expensive.
  3. It’s Amazon
    Could this be the influence of Amazon? We already know that Amazon owns Goodreads, is it possible that the company has set its sites on Netgalley too? I mean, a majority of the ARCs available on Netgalley are dispersed via Amazon …
What do you think?

On Netgalley’s website is the declaration that they ‘provide resources to bloggers and reviewers’. Similarly, on Goodreads’*** site, they claim that their mission is to help people find and share books they love.

Their recent decisions prove the exact opposite of their site statements. 

I reach out to Netgalley and Goodreads to rethink their decisions and come up with alternatives. You are alienating your International market – a market, I might add, that is far bigger and has a larger reach than the American market.

Please do better.

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What do you think about Netgalley and Goodreads’ decisions? Will you be affected? Do you have an explanation? Let me know!

***Fill out this survey to express your discontent with Goodreads’ giveaway program.

176 thoughts on “An Open Letter to Netgalley and Goodreads

  1. littlebookynook says:

    This is a brilliant post!!! I honestly don’t partake in giveaways…mostly because the ones I have tried to apply for always end up being a “US only” or “UK only” giveaway. So I ended up just giving up. This still really annoys me though because others in the book community, including authors, are disadvantaged from it. I think you have put together a really, really great post with great points. I hope Goodreads and Netgalley read it and think about what they have done.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thebookcorps says:

      I have been a member on Goodreads for almost 8 years (will be 8 in January) and I have never won a giveaway. Not saying that I deserve one and others don’t, but I feel like in the almost-decade I have been part of that site, by sheer luck I should have? I totally understand why you just gave up lol.

      You’re right, indie authors are definitely going to be the ones most affected by this decision.

      Thank you so much for your kind words!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ruby's Books says:

    See, I thought for a while it was just my Netgalley being silly, because I don’t have that elusive 80% rank yet, but as of last night I realized it’s everybody. And it’s heartbreaking. Both readers and authors will suffer from this. Because how exactly do they expect books to become “worldwide bestsellers” if they limit the online marketing campaigns done mostly for free by international readers? It’s sad really. The saddest part is that, like you said, piracy will thrive, when I’m sure nobody in the industry wants that. Like you said, this isn’t a debate on whether it’s moral or not, on if there’s good reason behind it or not, but the cold hard fact is that the piracy rate will skyrocket. The sad part is that the big ones from the industry are transforming the love of books into a competition, while also complaining about how so many people don’t read books.

    On another note, and I’m speaking only for myself right now, I’ll be able to read all those instafreebies/bookfunnel free books and the backlist books that I’ve ignored for so long, books that also deserve love and attention.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thebookcorps says:

      Nope, it’s not just you!
      That’s such a good point: how can books become bestsellers if only a certain demographic of books gains access to ARCs to generate buzz?
      Ohhhhh yes, I definitely feel like everything has become a competition these days.

      That’s a good way to take it: I can definitely read all those books I’ve been ignoring now 😀
      Thanks for commenting!


  3. tasya @ the literary huntress says:

    Isn’t it ironic how they restrict everything to a certain demographic yet claims to do so to “bring books to more marketplace”?

    I just found out about this when I logged on to twitter 15 minutes ago. Wish for it is all I’ve been seeing on Netgalley, but I thought it was just a coincidence. I never actually thought that they purposefully cut us off from the rest of the world. Sure, a lot of the readers are from the US but hello, there are other countries other than the US and I bet all readers combined are more than readers in the US. And you’re right, it’s not a problem of ARCs, but it’s a problem of ACCESS and being part of the community. I mean, US readers got comic con, screenings, fan meetings, book conventions, givewayas, physical arcs, well stocked library, amazon… you name it, they got everything first. ARCs is one way we got a piece of those privileges and now they are trying to cut us too? Where does that leave us? Aren’t we readers to, bloggers or not? Don’t we deserve to get a tiny bit of privilege our friends got? If they are thinking by restricting ARCs will lower the piracy rate… well they are wrong.

    I love blogging, but you’re right. It feels like us international bloggers are being sidelined more and more these days. I’ll still support the authors but I hope they (not the authors) won’t be shocked or starting to point fingers when the stats and traffics are going down because well… they started it first by discredit us.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. 5171 Miles Book Blog says:

    Excellent post!! It’s sad that both Netgalley and Goodreads/Amazon are limiting things for International readers. It’s only hurting authors and readers alike. -Ashley

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Insights into Books says:

    That’s not fair at all. I know I’m an American reviewer, so perhaps I shouldn’t be commenting, but I like reading reviews from all over the world and think that it would considerably bring the blogging community and its diversity down by making it harder for international bloggers to get ARCs on netgalley and completely excluding them from giveaways on Goodreads.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thebookcorps says:

      You can definitely comment!
      My post actually says ‘a majority’ and I have taken great pains to continually mention that not ALL American bloggers/reviewers do the things that were mentioned, but as an international reader who has part of the book community for 8 years, I have definitely noticed what Silvia and I mentioned. I am so thankful that you, as an American reviewer, seek out reviews from international people, but there are definitely those American reviewers who don’t / who apply their own values and morals to a piece of literature (see: everyone who has ignored my entire letter and focused only on that part).

      I agree with you: including international bloggers will make diversity thrive.
      Thanks for commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Novels And Nonfiction says:

    I think that some books have licensing restrictions, meaning that they are released at different times in different territories, sometimes by different licensing houses. It’s similar with TV and movies, and means that for example services in the entertainment industry that provide streaming of titles in a territory need to make sure the content is geo-located so that it can’t be access by people outside of that territory. My assumption would be that restrictions on Net Galley access to ARCs by non-US bloggers may be for that reason… I’m not sure if this is a recent change or has always been the case. It’s unfortunate for sure…


  7. A Logophile's Love says:

    This is very heartbreaking. Being a recent book blogger from Bangladesh, a country often forgotten as a part of South Asia (some people in western countries don’t even there is a country named Bangladesh in this world), where Book Depository and Wordery don’t operate, it’s very hard to obtain recently published books, let alone ARCs! What US publishers dunno is even in this small country, there are hundreds of readers for their books. I was lucky to receive three eARCs this month and last month from NG but to think that even eBook will not be granted for us is very heartbreaking and frustrating. Did we do something wrong? In a country which is often excluded from 90% GR giveaways as well as giveaways that are said to be “international but where BD ships”, this punches in the gut. Sometimes I wonder if they even care about the fact that we take precious time and energy from our lives to help them gain more readers and sell books </3 😥

    Liked by 1 person

    • thebookcorps says:

      It’s incredibly heartbreaking. I know I’m quite lucky because I live in Australia, so I can’t imagine how hard it is for people who live in countries where Book Depository and other sites don’t operate. I’ve had many people (mainly Americans) who don’t understand why Netgalley restricting it’s services is a bad thing, but for many international bloggers, Netgalley was one of their only options to get books and now that’s being taking away from them.
      Honestly, I feel like Goodreads and Netgalley don’t care about how much effort international bloggers put in. Thank you so much for commenting. ❤️


  8. Chauncey Rogers says:

    It’s really just weird, and I think it’s stupid. I get not wanting to ship paperback copies around the world, but disallowing e-ARCs? Bizarre.
    Also, the new Goodreads program is terrible. It was pretty lousy before, in my opinion, but now it’s just awful.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. May @ Forever and Everly says:

    Oh, I absolutely love this post, Laura! I’m an American blogger (but haven’t gotten into NetGalley and barely touched upon physical ARCs) and I feel so lucky to have an opportunity to have access things like ARCs and books from Goodreads giveaways. This honestly is in no way fair to international readers who work just as hard as — and even more than — American readers/reviewers. NetGalley and Goodreads is supposed to 1) promote books and 2) spread the love of reading, but you’ll cover a larger audience by providing ARCs to international readers, and it’s excluding and almost acting as if international readers don’t matter, which is just horrible to think about. All readers are valid, no matter where they are from, and they should never be denied the same opportunities as someone else just because they live in a different place????

    Ugh. So angry. I’m hoping that this will change, and y’all int’l readers have my support. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews says:

    I’ve already said on Twitter, but this is such an amazing and well put together post, Laura. I feel like as an Australian reader we have more opportunities than other countries outside the US/UK/Canada regions, but it’s still so frustrating. I’m especially worried about books not getting in the hands of #OwnVoices readers. I’m also sorry SO many people missed the point of this post :/

    Liked by 1 person

    • thebookcorps says:

      Thank you so much Lauren!!! We definitely have many more opportunities than other international readers and my heart really goes out to them. It’s been pretty crappy getting comments from ignorant people – or people who genuinely don’t even try to see things from our perspective – but getting a comment from an international reader who is heartbroken by this decision, and who thanks me for writing this letter, validates me, and proves that I did the right decision writing this post.

      I’m worried about ARCs not getting into the hands of #OwnVoices readers too, and by how Americanized reviews of ARCs will be now. I genuinely don’t have a problem with American people (although my post looks like I might 😂) but I’m very frustrated by a few strong voices in the book community that all have one thing in common: they’re all American. Although I can be generalising here, I really agree with Silvia’s amazing post about how many American people only view the world through their lens and don’t make an effort to understand a piece of literature through a different culture or context. Makes me worried about the future of ARCs now and the next book that will be the star of another controversy. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

      Thank you again 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews says:

        Yes 100% completely agree with everything you said. It’s why I’ve hated so much of the “you don’t need ARCs” rhetoric that’s going around because it’s super Americanised. Why should people who have constant access to ARCs be telling others they don’t “need” them?? I’m so glad you wrote this post too!!

        Ooh I don’t think I saw those tweets from Adam. I’ll have to go check them out!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Maxine @ The Rogue Storyteller says:

    This is the first I’ve heard of this and honestly I’m just shocked. Thank you so much for writing such a comprehensive post on this topic. As an international reader myself, this is really disheartening and I hope that Netgalley and Goodreads give us a reason for these decisions as there’s no obvious benefit from excluding international readers.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. KatieLou says:

    Jeesh I had no idea what was going on until this post. I don’t use NetGalley. I’ve only just started my blogging adventures and therefore I have only recently heard of it. I was going to get it but I think I may reconsider this now. Why on earth would they think it beneficial to reduce their user-ship by over half? And lets face it, America houses a lot of publishing companies and it is already easy for other Americans to get their hands on books. That is not the same for other readers who don’t have the same access and rely on these kind of websites to read or learn about the quality of a book. It just doesn’t make sense to focus their viewership on a population who already has easy access to these books and exclude millions of other readers whose opinions are just as valid but find it harder to access the books. WHefrijdjsjbgewdikdfnvc.

    And you are so right about Net Neutrality. It seems as though they are already preparing for this, making it harder for other users to gain access and charging them to access certain things and restricting viewership on others. >:/

    On another note, I love the post. It is well put together and informative. Thank you for uploading it and educating me about the neglect GoodReads and NetGalley are inflicting on their dedicated non-American users.


  13. Victorique says:

    No wonder why I was all of a sudden limited to just a couple of them. And I also haven’t got a wish at all. Even if my approval rate wasn’t too good in the first place. But seriously, I’m from the international markets. I come from the little red dot known as Singapore and this just doesn’t help me in any way at all. Sigh, I’m going to deal with this, perhaps I just won’t be able to review ARCs from now on which are popular.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Bella says:

    Several months ago, Netgalley split up the site. is for books licensed/marketed for North American markets and the UK now has its own site for books licensed/marketed there. You can see the Netgalley announcement and explanation here:
    Several other markets also have their own Netgalley sites (ex. France, Germany, Japan).
    Since the number of ARCs, the regions available and who gets selected to receive are all decided by the publisher of the books in question, it seems this is something that the major publishers may have been pushing for.

    For professional reviewers, librarians, and journalists, is another alternative.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. J.M. Williams says:

    Reblogged this on jmwwriting and commented:
    Thanks to Laura for sharing this important information. I have just started on Goodreads as an author, have my first book listed on my account, and have yet to start working on giveaways (though I planned to). I am an American writer, and write in a genre that is more popular in the US (SF/F) but many of my blog followers are international peers, and I love that. I have already run into trouble trying to get copies of my book to them through Amazon (I’ve ended up having to manually send MOBI files). I recently did a giveaway on Amazon, which was only available for US residents. I was hoping to do more with Goodreads. If anyone is concerned about this issue, please read the original post in full.



  16. J.M. Williams says:

    The Amazon influence theory strikes me as likely the most accurate. Amazon is already killing Createspace and moving to replace it by replicating (only beta now) all the features folks liked about it. I can easily see Amazon moving to shut down Goodreads and import the function onto the Amazon site directly. Amazon already does giveaways, and these are only for US residents (at least the one I did). It stinks of forced consolidation. 😦


  17. Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks says:

    Number one – did I already comment on this, I wonder? 156 comments, so I guess I’m not going to look, pardon me if I did 😀

    Number two – after this whole NetGalley fiasco, I have created quite a big international bloggers chat group where we share opportunities and generally chat about our woes. Are you in the group? If you are, sorry, it’s hard to track with the different usernames everyone chooses 😀 if you’re not, do you want to join? 🙂

    Number three – when we were getting to the bottom of this, we found out that apparently publishers can still choose to allow us to request like we used to. So at least NetGalley doesn’t decide for the publisher, thank god! But I am still quite miffed about the fact that they didn’t speak a peep about this – they can email us about technical changes on the site, but they won’t email us to explain or tell us what this means for us… so disappointing!

    Number four – I have also recently posted a post of what ELSE we can do, as internationals, to not get discouraged 🙂 it’s not really so bad. Especially when we have a community! And if you’re still not in it and want to join, just tell me 🙂


  18. bloodthirstylittlebeasts says:

    Reblogged this on Bloodthirsty Little Beasts and commented:
    I didn’t even know this was happening but completely agree with the points made below.

    I am not really a veteran blogger and don’t plan to make any sort of career out of this so cannot complain from this perspective as it would hold little weight. However, I do read. A lot. I research the books I plan to read through reviews to help me decide and don’t think this evident bias in the choice of reviewers is fair to publishers, bloggers or readers in any way shape or form.

    Sadly, I feel like Goodreads and NetGalley will change their decision but I’m confused as to how this effects the British NetGalley site and the books given there? If you know please help me out and explain.


    • bloodthirstylittlebeasts says:

      I’m curious, in regards to NetGalley and their policy. I know that they have released nothing official but I am currently listed as a consumer reviewer on NetGalley as though I very recently began a blog I don’t think I’m really deserving of the title book blogger since I don’t go out of my way to advertise or promote my blog or draw readers into it – it’s for me.

      I am based in the UK (so that might have an effect) and have to ‘Wish’ for a book every now and then but usually, I can request them just fine and get accepted far more than rejected and more than I ever expected to on pretty highly anticipated books – and cards on the table my feedback ratio is not brilliant because I like to take my time with a book. Perhaps due to the amount of additional labour there is involved in recon-ing book bloggers and their amount of followers/sphere of influence many publishers don’t accept requests from this type of reviewer? Star ratings alone on sites like Goodreads and Amazon get authors into charts and higher in search engines and algorithms but a book blog will only reach a set number of people.

      I’m not saying this is fair but if this theory is right, and if NetGalley and/or publishing houses are pitching the system against non-American book bloggers specifically (because it’s not confirmed they are) then why not play the system to your advantage and just change your reader status on NetGalley or set up another account with this status.

      I know it does not really address the issue here since any kind of discrimination is wrong but ‘When a sign says don’t walk on the grass, one hops.’


  19. twentybandits says:

    I have no problems with NetGalley as they’ve opened up a UK NetGalley and I’m receiving books quite easily through requesting. I’m glad that they’ve done this, as now I know that I am eligible for a book.

    Goodreads on the other hand is owned by Amazon so I’m not surprised. Some have speculated that maybe Amazon is wishing to phase out Giveaways through planned obsolescence, there might be something to that.

    Honestly as a UK blogger for 8 years I’m used to being the bottom of the heap. I know I’ll never get the stacks of ARCs that are thrown at US readers and I’ve made my peace with that.

    Vee @ Under The Mountain

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Lisa Jenkins says:

    I am sorry to hear this. As readers, it must be very frustrating, and as publishers, we are far less likely to use Netgalley or Goodreads services to give away ARCs. I hope I’m not being too cheeky by posting this, but if you or any of your readers are looking for erotica ARCs for review, we at Sinful Press would be happy to supply digital copies directly to any country, and we will provide print copies in certain cases if available. You can find out more information here: and I’m sure other small/medium publishers would be interested in supplying review copies as well 🙂


  21. ajadamsauthor says:

    A beautiful post! I got fed up with Netgalley for all the reasons you mention, AND they put me on publisher spam lists that I wasn’t able to get out of. I’m reviewing now for Indie authors and it’s a lot nicer. (as AJ Adams and as Ellen Whyte on my blogspot blogs, not on WordPress) As you say, we do get traction. I’m finding several hundred reads for some posts, not less than 50 for the ones that totally bomb, and more than 70% of my connections are in Amazon countries.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. knsalustro says:

    Reblogged this on k. n. salustro and commented:
    I am very out-of-touch with the ARC review scene, but this just came on my radar and screams of unfairness. Limiting international readers’ access to review copies hurts them along with the authors trying to reach them, and frankly, I’m very surprised there hasn’t been any pushback from big publishing houses on this. Do they care so little for non-US markets?? Readers live all over the world, and books help connect them not only to authors, but to each other. Don’t sever that.

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