Real Neat Blog Award

Thank you very much to Melting Pots and Other Calamities for nominating me for this award! I am so so so late with this post and I’m sorry! Everyone please go check out Melting Pot’s amazing blog here!

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This award is designed for people who have a ‘real neat blog’.  Those participating should:

  • Put the award logo on your blog
  • Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs
  • Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you
  • Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs
  • Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog, etc)
  • Ask your nominees 7 questions

Melting Pots and Other Calamities’ Questions:

What is a post you made that you wish more people checked out?

This post where I analyse The Continent, Black Witch and Crooked Kingdom books. This was originally an essay I wrote for uni about a book controversy and I decided to post it here too.

What is the most interesting thing you saw this week?

Nothing too “interesting” but I have seen a lot of #VoteYes posters on the windows of small businesses. For those of you who don’t know, Australia is about to have a ballot on whether the law should be changed to allow sam-sex marriage. It’s great seeing so many businesses not afraid to stand up and support SSM.

cover2Is there a book you want to read, but can’t find the motivation to do so?

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy! I’ve wanted to read this book for years and have made it my mission to read it before the end of this year! I just need to find the time and some motivation to – this book is like over 1000 pages long 😬.

What was the best book you were assigned to read in school? The worst?

Best book: They Came on Viking Ships by Jackie French. This book’s about a young girl who’s village was raided by Vikings and she’s taken as a slave to a female Viking. Amazing book. Worst book: Spies by Michael Frayn. Ughhhh, that book was so boring and I hated every single character.

21167793What is a classic book/movie you wouldn’t mind reading/watching?

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. My mum bought the movie for me for either my birthday or Christmas, but I haven’t watched it yet. My mum also owns the book and it’s something I’ve always wanted to read. Like Anna Karenina, this book is MASSIVE. Hopefully in the next few years I will!

How has your blog changed since you started it?

When I first started my blog, I mainly stuck to YA novels, but now I do a whole range of stuff – basically whatever tickles my fancy. At the moment that’s adult LGBTQ+ fiction … mainly because I keep requesting ARCs from Netgalley 😂. I also write a few discussion posts about the publishing industry. I’ll have a lot more of these up soon; they can’t go up yet because they’re part of my assignments for uni, so I have to wait for the semester to be over.

braavosIf you could visit one fictional world for a vacation, where would it be? It can be from a book, movie, anime, TV show, webcomic, wherever. And to make this harder, don’t say Harry Potter! (I broke everyone’s heart there, didn’t I?)

I’d probably die in the first few minutes, but I’d love to visit Westeros and Essos from the world of Game of Thrones! I’d stay completely out of the battles for the throne – until I met Daenerys and then I’d pledge my allegiance to her – and I’d probably go travelling around the world, because it’s just so beautiful.

My questions:
  1. Have your reading habits changed since you started a blog?
  2. Do you ever dog-ear your books or write in the margins?
  3. What is the worst novel you have ever read?
  4. What was your favourite subject in school and why?
  5. What is the best film adaptation you have watched of a novel?
  6. Do you DNF ARCs or try to read them even if you don’t enjoy it?
  7. How do you organise your bookshelf? Alphabetically, colour-coordinated, genre?

I tag:

Nadwa @ Painfully Fictional
Mandy @ Book Princess Reviews
Jackie @ Too Much of a Book Nerd
Princess @ Royal Reader
Sophie @ Blame Chocolate
Lia @ Lost in a Story

Hope you all have fun completing the award but please don’t feel obliged to do if you don’t want to/have already done it!


26 thoughts on “Real Neat Blog Award

      • Jillian says:

        This comment is actually meant for your Bucket List page, but there’s no comment box there, so I thought I’d leave it here. 🙂 Have you heard of The Classics Club? It’s a WHOLE BUNCH of people with lists of classics they want to get through. They challenge themselves to read a certain # of classics off their list, and write about them so others can be inspired. They also have a Twitter and Facebook page. I thought it might inspire you? It’s no pressure at all — just people pushing through lists like yours together, & inspiring/informing one another. Lots of people say the fact that they’re reading with others doing the same thing helps them feel inspired to get through their wish lists of old books — & to discover new old tomes. You choose your own titles and set your own pace, of course. It’s not win or lose — just a way to read with others doing the same thing. Often there are buddy reads! Often if you want a buggy read, you just say so on twitter to the group and someone will join you. Most go for something like ten of their titles a year, but A LOT of people just set their own pace. It’s fun though because you have a huge team of other people doing the exact same thing. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • thebookcorps says:

        Oh wow, thank you so much for telling me about this group! I haven’t heard of them before but I’m going to join!! I love that its so low-key – I LOVE reading classics, but because I’m studying editing and I want to get into YA fiction one day, I tend to read a lot of YA to make sure I’m up to date with the industry. I only get to read a handful of classics a year 😭 But I think a buddy read would be so much fun! maybe someone will read Anna Karenina with me lol – I need someone to force me to read that book 😂 Thank you so much for letting me know!!! 😁

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jillian says:

        (“Buggy” = BUDDY. Ha ha — I type so much my fingers have worn the letters off my keyboard! I can’t see which button stands for which letter, so sometimes I type in gibberish. If I forget to proofread, I make no sense.) 😛

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Angelica (TheBookCoverGirls) says:

    Congrats on the award! I will totally be checking out that post! It sounds super interesting! And Gone with the Wind is over 1000 pages long and the movie is like 4 hours! I keep telling myself I’m going to watch that movie because my mom loves it but every time I see the duration I back away. I hope you like it though!


  2. Mandy *on hiatus* (@_bookprincess_) says:

    Ooooh your answers were so much fun, Laura! Wow, two massive novels that you have to try one day. I’ve been curious about both of them, but I think I firmly put them in the no because they’re so massive and a classic. XD That Jackie French book sounds so intriguing. I had never heard of either of the two that you mentioned for that question, but I’m so intrigued by it. Thanks so much for the nomination, Laura, and wonderful answers! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nadwa @ painfullyfictional says:

    Your answer to question 6 is so relatable. Like, I don’t think I even own any published physical New Adult / Adult books 😂 To me, NetGalley is my sole source of NA books, and I’m grateful for that because I came across some of the best books through NetGalley. Thank you sooo much for the nomination! 😍😘

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sophie @ Blame Chocolate says:

    Oh lovely post, Laura! And congrats on the award ❤
    I totally agree on Anna Karenina and Gone with the Wind… I want to read them, but as soon as I think about the size of them I just chicken out 😂
    Would also love to visit Westeros and Essos, although I would probably die in the first few minutes 😂😂😂
    Anyway, thank you for nominating me! You're awesome ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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