WWW Wednesday

Hi all!

Sorry I haven’t been posting much at all this month! I literally blacked out and before I knew it, it was November 25 šŸ˜‚.

So I thought it would be a good idea to share a WWW meme because I haven’t done one for a while, and it’s a super quick and easy post!

WWW Wednesday is a book meme hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. Basically, this tag involves answering the following questions:

  1. What are you currently reading? 
  2. What did you recently finish reading? 
  3. What do you plan on reading next?
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What are you currently reading?

I’m currently reading Casket of Souls by Lynn Flewelling, which is the sixteenths book in the Nightrunner series. I’m so close to finishing this series — this book, and then one more! — and I’m determined to finish the whole series by the end of this year! And so far, I’m enjoying this book.

I’m also reading The Lost Book of the White, which has taken me a long while to read and I’m not sure why. It has my favourite characters but it feels like it’s missing something. Not sure what yet.

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What did you recently finish?

I DID IT!! I CONQUERED LES MISERABLES! And I did not enjoy it hahahahahh. The first 800 pages were quite boring and, although important, didn’t make me care anymore about the novel. I did, however, enjoy the finally couple of hundred pages, which were basically the barricade scenes. Those were great! I would give this book 3 stars!

I also read The Route of Ice and Salt, a queer retelling of Dracula’s voyage to England from Dracula. It was tense and intoxicating, it will be an instant favourite! My review will come out soon for this.

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What are you planning on reading next?

I’m really excited to read Princess Floralinda and the Forty Flight Tower. I loved Gideon the Ninth (and still need to read the sequel) but this fairytale has me very keen!

The Gloaming is the last book I need to read for my yearly reading challenge with my friend. I don’t know anything about it except that it’s a YA contemporary, so we’ll see how I like it!

Meet Cute Club is the last book I need to read for the Popsugar 2020 Reading Challenge! This will be the first time I’ve completed the entire challenge so I can’t wait to get into this book!

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